
The amusement park is now closed for the 2021 season, with a surprise Snowfall on the final day!

On Sunday, 17th October the amusement park closed for the 2021 season. We wish to thank all guests for visiting. We understand numerous people could not visit Rusutsu this year due to travel restrictions, and we sincerely hope to welcome back all our treasured guests next year.

Unexpectedly, we received early snowfall on the final day of the 2021 Green Season. In recent days staff have seen numerous snowbirds indicating the arrival of the winter’s first snowfall. However, this year the snow is unusually early. We were pleased to welcome so many guests; on the final day of the season.

Guests experienced beautiful scenery with the vivid colours of the autumn leaves contrasted against the white snow and sunny weather, creating magical views over the resort. The first snowfall of the winter season always produces a sense of wonder and excitement.

At the Rusutsu Farm, the sheep were covered in snow. After a long summer of grazing outdoors its time for the sheep to relocate indoors for winter.

Excited for winter 2021-22? Look out for our special early bird lift tickets!

The upper section of East Mt. is already turning white. We are busy preparing for winter 2021-22. Why not purchase advanced lift tickets to make great savings and get ready for the winter season?

You can now buy the “Kamori 3-Mountain Advanced 5 X1-day ticket Pack”. This provides access to Rusutsu Resort, Sapporo Teine and Sahoro Resort at a discounted rate. Save up to 23% when compared to a standard adult 1-day ticket and this ticket pack is even sharable with your friends. This advance ticket pack is on sale until Friday, 10th December 2021.

If 5 X 1-day tickets is not enough, we recommend the K-Winter Pass. This season pass offers unlimited access to the 4 Kamori Group ski areas of Rusutsu, Teine, Sahoro and Nakayama-toge. This season pass is available at the discounted early bird price until Wednesday 3rd November 2021.

For more details:
Early Bird Lift Tickets(Japanese)
K-Winter Pass

Additionally, for 2021-22 we have introduced a new 24-hour lift ticket, exclusively available for online purchase. Also, we will install new “pick-up-boxes” to make collecting lift ticket faster and easier. More details on these topics and more will be released shortly.

The Rusutsu Resort ski resort is scheduled to open on Saturday, 27 November 2021.
We look forward to welcoming you!