
The Best Gift for Skiers in Rusutsu and Niseko! The Ultimate Skiing Experience at Rusutsu Resort

As the “Japan’s Best Ski Resort “, Rusutsu Resort offers not only the usual skiing experience of flat slopes, but also the rare opportunity to experience special heli-skiing, first-track skiing and other niche skiing programs.

Heli-Skiing: 6 Runs 1 Day, Exploring the Ultimate Powder

The snow peak to be visited by helicopter skiing is called Shiribetsu-dake mountain, which is located on the north side of Rusutsu Resort. The elevation is 1107.27 meters.

Shiriobetsu mountain has many steep slopes and is not suitable for beginner skiers or those without avalanche knowledge.

The helicopter flight from Rusutsu Resort takes only 2 minutes, and you can ski up to 6 runs a day. With guide trained in safety management accompanying you, you can experience the best powder with confidence.

If you are interested in participating in this program, please note the following itinerary.
・ 8:00 Meet and Greet at the Rusutsu Heliport
・ 8:15 Avalanche and helicopter briefing
・ 9:00 Heli-skiing starts
・ 12:00 Lunch at Rusutsu Resort
・ 15:00 – 16:30 End of tour. Back to Rusutsu Resort

Operating Period
26/12/2022 – 15/03/2023
Operating Hours
8:00 – 15:00
Mt. Shiribetsu
Price (tax included)
1 person 184,000 JPY

* This price includes Heli flight fee, Avalanche gear rental fee and Lunch fee.
* The tour finish when skis / snowboards 6 runs. The end of tour time is subject to change.
* Once finish 6 runs and still time is available, you can add runs. (25,300 JPY / run)
* Due to safety and any reason, the helicopter and capacity are subject to change.
* We refund you when the tour does not go up to 6 runs. (25,300 JPY / run)
* We require the signature on the participants agreement. 18 year old and younger need the signature from their guardians.
* This tour is applicable the accident insurance. (The Insurance fee is included in tour fee)


Mountain Guiding: Pristine Powder Experience Exclusive to Confident Experienced Skiers

Rusutsu is rich in powder snow. You can enjoy skiing areas that are not usually covered in skiing lessons with this program. Under the guidance of the instructor, you can explore the finest and pristine snow areas that only a few people have the opportunity to experience.

A group of up to 6 people, each group with a guide, only advanced skier and snowboarders are allowed to participate in this program.

There are 4 menus according to the experience time: 3 hours, 4 hours. 5 hours and 6 hours. The cost increases with time.

Reservations are required for this program. As same-day booking, it is possible as long as there is a vacancy. The participants are needed to be fully prepared to start (clothing, rental, lift pass etc.). In order to guarantee your successful experience, please make a reservation in advance from the official website.

●This program is carried in English, so participants are required to be able to speak and understand English.
●Helmet is a must.
・If you need to rent a helmet, please come to Salomon Station (rental desk) before the program begins
・Helmet rental fee : 2200 yen
●Skiers are expected to be skilled enough for any type of trail. The guide will show you ski trails that suit the least-skilled participant in the group.

Mountain Guiding Reservations
Rental Information

First-Track Skiing on Mt. Isola: Off-the-Beaten-Path Slopes, a Treat For Only 60 Lucky People a Day

Every Sunday in January and February, a limited number of 60 lucky people per day will get to experience the first powder snow on Mount Isola.

Prior to regular business hours, participants take a free shuttle bus to the base of Mount Isola and ride a special gondola up the mountain to enjoy the first tracks that no one has ever skied before!

When you get to the top of the mountain, you can either slide down the trail that has been flattened by the snow tractor the night before, or you can go to the powder area that has not been pressed. In short, this is a skiing experience that is exclusive to you, and you will not have the opportunity to experience it without participating in this program.

First Track Schedule
Guests meet at the main ticket office at Rusutsu Resort Hotel& Convention and confirm payment.

Depart for Mt Isola via shuttle bus

Take the Isola Gondola

Once patrols are complete guests can start skiing or snowboarding from the top of the mountain.

The First track service concludes once guests are transported to the Top of Isola and the ski area opens. In addition to the First track ticket, guests are required to purchase a normal lift ticket to continue enjoying the mountain once the first track program concludes.

Please purchase lift ticket before leaving the hotel. Guests with a season ticket or multi-day lift ticket will need to purchase the exclusive First track ticket.

Price (tax included)
One person 2,500 JPY
Maximum Number of Participants
60 people per day (reservation required)
Reservations and Inquiries
Tel. +81-136-46-3111
(Follow the guide to the ski area guide.)

If you are on a ski vacation in Rusutsu or Niseko, don’t stick to the slopes every day, we recommend you to switch your skiing style and come to Rusutsu to experience some of these ultimate skiing experiences, so make a reservation as soon as possible.