4 Famous Ingredients on Rusutsu Restaurants
Rusutsu is home to well-known Japanese ingredients, such as asparagus, yams, sweet corn, and Rusutsu pork, etc. There are more than 30 restaurants that offer the best of Japanese, Western, and Chinese cuisines, the ingredients purchase not only the local farms but also from the anther places in Japan.
In this blog, we’ll try to list some of the most famous ingredients that are served at Rusutsu’s restaurants.
Rusutsu Pork, pigs are carefully raised on a diet of being given special care
Rusustu pigs are carefully fattened from piglets on a diet of 15% Hokkaido wheat and enhanced vitamin E.
Having been raised on the finest feed, the taste and flavor of Rusutsu pork are excellent. Rusutsu pork has a higher total amount of free amino acids and condensed amino acids than ordinary pork on the market. Also, Rusutsu pork contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid and stearic acid, while unsaturated fatty acids are low, which gives it a superior taste.
Yotei lamb, raised on our own farm
The resort’s own farm breeds about 650 sheep per year. The sheep have two breeds, Texel and Suffolk sheep. The sheep are carefully bred in a carefree environment favored by the mountains and waters of Rusutsu Resort.
Originally, the Yotei lamb was only available to the restaurants in the resort, and only guests to the resort had the chance of tasting them. From 2019, as the supply of lamb stabilizes, the lamb is beginning to sell to the public. Even so, the available quantities are limited.
To make the lamb even more flavorful, Rusutsu Farm has developed a secret seasoning, dipping sauce, and other derivatives, which can be purchased at Rusutsu’s stores.
Date Chicken, a rare breed of “hybrid chicken”
The Date chicken is of French origin and is known for its delicious flavor. The original French breed was introduced to Japan, and after a lot of trial and error, it was finally crossed and bred into a hybrid chicken. The red feathers of these chickens make them a rare red specias in Japan.
The meat quality and flavor of the Date chicken is highly prized by chefs all over Japan, and it is an excellent breed that meets the needs of all. The main production area is Date City in northeastern Japan, and the breed is bred in a stress-free environment through free-range raising by contracted farmers.
The open free-range environment is close to nature and the chickens can move freely. Moderate exercise, which prevents the meat from producing excess fat, makes the chicken meat taste outstanding.
Shiretoko Beef, a Wagyu Beef Raised on Japanese Opera Songs
Shiretoko Beef is a type of black-haired Wagyu beef raised in Shiretoko, Hokkaido, a World Heritage Site. Shiretoko Beef is certified under strict conditions, and only black-haired Wagyu cattle with meat quality of Grade 3 or higher and a fattening period of 14 months or more are eligible for certification.
Shiretoko cattle are raised under the care of the herders, drinking natural water flowing from nature and chewing carefully prepared grain feed. It is said that the feed for the Shiretoko cows was developed by the farm in cooperation with a specialized feed company, and even the straw is only harvested in Hokkaido.
It is also interesting to learn that the farm always plays Japanese traditional opera songs to the cows in order to reduce their growth pressure. Beef raised in such an environment is more flavorful and delicious.
Rusutsu’s culinary offerings are not limited to these, and with more than 30 restaurants, the resort offers the best of Hokkaido and all of Japan, so you can choose the restaurant that best suits your tastes.