
Rusutsu Resort welcomed a pair of mixed-breed baby sheep twins! Sheep's baby tour hold only on the weekend of March

Sheep give birth once a year, and the birth period is an important time for sheep farms. About 200 lambs are expected to be born at the Rusutsu Farm this year. While the lambs are endearing, the staff will be exhausted from morning to night caring for them, and the days ahead will be tough.

Baby mixed-breed sheep twins welcomed in January

On January 13, 2023, as the staff went to work, the sound of bleating lambs was heard from the sheep pen. The first lambs born were twins and were baby mixed-breed Texel and Suffolk sheep. The birth took place naturally about a week before the due date. The lambs were also in good spirits, standing up steadily on all fours and bleating to find their mother for milk.

What is a mixed-breed lamb?

Rusutsu Farm raises white-faced Texel sheep and black-faced Suffolk sheep, and the lambs born from the mating of these two different sheep are what we call mixed-breed lamb. If you look at the red-faced lamb in front of the photo, you can see the mixture of white and black. The lamb in the back has inherited more genes from the Suffolk sheep and has a darker face. Even in twins there can be such a big difference.

Lambs imitating their mother

At two weeks old, the lambs are moving around, chasing each other, jumping up and down, and occasionally imitating their mother as she eats grass, even though they can’t eat it by themselves yet. Facing the camera, they seemed to be saying, “I can eat grass by myself, isn’t that great?” The baby lambs’ face flashed a smug expression.

The mini tour of the lambs hold only on the weekend March

The lambs are growing up day by day, and we hope that you will have the opportunity to come and see the lambs that you never get tired of seeing. It’s really a rare opportunity for the average visitor who doesn’t have access to the lamb pens to do so. The mini tour of lamb visits are held every Saturday and Sunday in March, where visitors can photograph these adorable lambs, listen to their distinctive high-pitched bleating sounds at this time of year, and experience the unique scents of the farm. If you are lucky, you may even witness the birth of a newborn baby sheep.

Mini tour of the lambs (Japanese)