

You’ll find all the latest gear at the Salomon & Atomic Rental Station. We offer gear that suits all levels, from beginner skiers/snowboarders through to experts – including Premium models. Choose from our Salomon & Atomic special products, which come in a variety of sizes, colors, and designs, satisfying the needs of everyone from kids and juniors to adults. Carve up the snow with your favorites!


  • Salomon Station - North Wing 2F

    Salomon Station – North Wing 2F

    ・Operating Period : 25/11/2023 – 31/03/2024
    ・Operating Hours : 8:15 – 20:00 (Last entry 19:30)
    ・Rental stock : Standard models

  • Premium Rental Station - North Wing 1F

    Premium Rental Station – North Wing 1F

    ・Operating Period : 25/11/2023 – 31/03/2024
    ・Operating Hours : 8:15 – 18:00 (Last entry 17:30)
    ・Rental stock : Expert models

  • Salomon & Atomic Station - South Wing 1F

    Salomon & Atomic Station – South Wing 1F

    ・Operating Period : 02/12/2023 – 31/03/2024
    ・Operating Hours : 8:15 – 18:00 (Last entry 17:30)
    ・Rental stock : Standard models

  • Premium Rental Station - The Westin Rusutsu Resort 1F

    Premium Rental Station – The Westin Rusutsu Resort 1F

    ・Operating Period : 02/12/2023 – 31/03/2024
    ・Operating Hours : 8:15 – 18:00 (Last entry 17:30)
    ・Rental stock : Standard models & Expert models

  • Salomon Station - North Wing 6F

    Salomon & Atomic Station – North Wing 6F

    ・Operating Period : 02/12/2023 – 31/03/2024
    ・Operating Hours : 8:15 – 18:00 (Last entry 17:30)
    ・Rental stock : Standard models

*The opening hours of each store may vary depending on mountain operations. Please contact (Tel. +81-136-46-3341) on the day for the latest opening hour information.


Online Application Process

  1. STEP1
    Register via the online application form by email (Log in if you are already registered)
  2. STEP2
    Choose the rental period and pick-up location
  3. STEP3
    After adding rental items to the cart, enter name and size (For 2 or more people, add to the cart individually)
  4. STEP4
    After completing the input, click “Confirm my booking”
  5. STEP5
    Enter the representative’s phone number・country・postal code, then click “Finalize my booking”
  6. STEP6
    The application number and QR code will be sent to the registered email address.
  7. STEP7
    Present the application number or QR code at the reception counter and settle the payment
  8. STEP7
    Pick up the rented items
    End of apply 

*The application number or QR code is required at the reception. Please have your smartphone ready to show the application number (a screenshot is also acceptable).
*Changes or cancellations after application can be made on the website. If you are unable to make changes, please inform the reception counter on the day of use.


All the gear at the Salomon & Atomic Station is fully maintained.

In skiing and snowboarding, gear safety far outweighs experience and technique. Rental items at the Salomon & Atomic Station have all been maintained by qualified and skilled staff before you rent them.

We help to answer your questions and concerns, such as how to choose gear or what to be careful of out on the snow.

When choosing gear, you need to consider the size of the ski/snowboard and boots, where you’ll be skiing or boarding, and what kind of performance you want. If you’re wondering which gear to get or have any questions or concerns such as how to attach your skis or snowboard and what to be careful of out on the slopes, don’t hesitate to ask the staff.

For a safe and fun experience out on the slopes.

All the rental gear at the Salomon & Atomic Station, including skis and snowboards, is regularly inspected and maintained. Although we always ask our customers about their needs and select properly sized gear for everyone, please contact us if you experience any of the following during use.

・Find any crack(s) / scratches in gear during use
・Feel that the bindings are too tight or loose
・Find that your gear is of the wrong size
・Forget how to put on your gear

Since the bottom edges (framing the back of the skis/snowboard) are sharpened, be sure to wear gloves when carrying them. When standing your skis or board while taking a break, be sure to use the dedicated ski stand to prevent them from falling over and injuring someone. Also, to prevent scratching skis and boards, do not stand them in the snow.


Can I really visit empty-handed?

Yes. We provide a wide range of gear from skies/snowboards to skiwear and boots that satisfy your needs. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to know you can even rent the latest models! And don’t forget that accessories such as goggles and ski helmet are available, too.

What should I do if I find that my boots don’t fit properly?

If you find that your boots are the wrong size, don’t be afraid to tell us. We’ll prepare the right size for you, and recommend carefully checking the size before renting. Our shop has a wide variety of sizes and types, and if it turns out there is no item that fits you, no cancellation fee will be charged.

How do I choose ski equipment?

When it comes to selecting skis, choose ones slightly shorter than your height. As a rough standard, your height minus around 10cm would be the right length. For poles, your height minus 50 to 60cm would be ideal.Out of all the ski equipment, boot size is the most important. As a rough standard, your normal shoe size plus 0.5 to 1.0cm is likely to be the right size, but we recommend you choose the actual size of your foot. Salomon’s high-quality boots fit your feet more flexibly than ordinary ones. People often wear two layers of socks, but this will backfire, because this will make it difficult to apply force to the skis and prevent the bindings (the parts that connect boots to skis) from functioning correctly, which is dangerous. Also, remember that short socks can cause pain where the tops of the socks meet your leg when you fasten the boots.

How do I choose snowboard equipment?

As for a snowboard, your height minus 10 to 20cm would be the proper length. The right size, though, differs depending on the characteristics of the board, so please tell us your snowboarding skills when choosing a board. As for boots, select the size same as or around 0.5cm bigger than your shoe size.

How do I choose junior ski equipment?

For skis, choose ones slightly shorter than your child’s height. As a rough standard, the child’s height minus 10 to 15cm would be the right length. But since a ski is quite heavy, the weight of children around 100cm tall needs to be considered as well as their height when choosing ski length. What’s more, the proper length differs depending on your child’s skiing skill and the kind of skis (for example, general skis or racing skis). As for poles, the child’s height minus 25 to 45cm would be the right size.
See the following guide for standard lengths.
– Child’s height is around 90cm: choose skis 25cm shorter
– Child’s height is around 100cm: choose skis 30cm shorter
– Child’s height is around 110cm: choose skis 35cm shorter
– Child’s height is 120 – 130cm choose skis 40cm shorter
– Child’s height is around 140cm or more: choose skis 45cm shorter.
Like skis, the proper length for poles differs depending on your child’s skiing skills. But of all ski equipment, boot size is the most important. As a rough standard, your child’s normal shoe size plus 0.5 to 1.0cm would likely be ideal, but we recommend choosing the ones of the actual size of child’s foot. Salomon’s high-quality boots fit their feet more flexibly than ordinary ones. People often wear two layers of socks, but this will backfire, because doing so will make it difficult to apply force to the skis and prevent the bindings (the parts that connect boots to skis) from functioning, which is dangerous. Also, remember that short socks can cause pain where the tops of the socks meet your child’s legs when they fasten their boots. If you have any questions about the size, please do not hesitate to ask the staff at the rental station.

How do I put on equipment?

How to put on equipment doesn’t vary too widely, but there are small differences between makes and models, and tips for how to do it well. Staff at the rental station will help you, so please feel free to ask.

If I rent equipment myself for two days or more, do I need to look after it myself?

Guests who are staying at the hotel. Can use the locker and keep ski/snowboard & boots in the locker without ski wear.
Non-guest have to keep ski/snowboard by yourself and return the rental on your last day.

Are carving skis available?

Yes, all the skis at the rental counter are carving skis.

Can I make a rental application for just boots?

Boots can also be booked individually.

What should I do to rent small accessories such as goggles?

Full set ski / snowboard includes Groves & Ski Helmet & Googles. No need to return Groves & Googles. You can buy Groves & Ski Cap & Googles in Premium Rental Station.

When and where should I pay the fee?

Please pay the fee at the rental station on the first day of use.


Can I use any coupons?

Unfortunately, there are no coupons usable at the rental station.

Why does an error message appear when I try to make a application?

Please be sure to check if there are any problems with your connection status and booking details, or if your rental application is overdue, etc. If the problem persists, please contact us by email to
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Why can’t I enter details into the form to make a rental application?

Please be sure to check if your rental application date is outside the reservable period, or if you entered a number that cannot be accepted.

Can I change the details of my rental application?

Yes, you can make small changes, such as size, on the day of rental.

Can I cancel my reservation the day before or on the day of rental?

Yes. No cancellation fee will be charged.

Two out of four people cancelled on the day of rental.

Please let the staff know about the cancellation at the rental station.

Where do I return equipment?

Please return all equipment to the rental station.