Wellness Counseling Room


A new counseling room has been established within the “Wellness Center Zyu”.
Offer services such as body fat and muscle measurement, skin analysis, and personalized pillow fitting, to help you focus on your health.

A new counseling room has been established within the “Wellness Center Zyu”. Offer services such as body fat and muscle measurement, skin analysis, and personalized pillow fitting, to help you focus on your health.

Program List

*All programs require advance reservations.

  • 体組成測定カウンセリング
    Body Composition Measurement & Counseling

    In just 40 seconds, measure your body fat, muscle mass, bone density, and more. Counseling will be provided based on the results.

    20 minutes
    3,300 JPY
  • パーソナルまくら測定
    Personalized Pillow Fitting

    We recommend pillows tailored to your needs. Purchase is also available (measurement fee will be waived if purchased).

    15 minutes
    1,100 JPY
  • 肌分析測定&アドバイス
    Skin Analysis & Advice

    Analyze areas for improvement in your skin using 4 types of LED light imaging.

    20 minutes
    3,300 JPY
  • アイマッサージャー&マッサージチェア
    Eye Massager & Massage Chair

    Relax and relieve fatigue with the latest high-performance massage equipment.

    20 minutes
    1,650 JPY
  • 血流改善リラックスコース
    Blood Flow Improvement & Relaxation Course

    A comprehensive course combining blood flow observation, hydrogen therapy, and a massage chair.

    35 minutes
    3,850 JPY
  • 血流観察&アドバイス
    Blood Flow Observation & Advice

    Observe your blood flow in real time by shining a special light on your fingertip, gaining insights into your overall health.

    10 minutes
    1,100 JPY
作井 弥生

Expert Staff

Rusutsu Resort Wellness Concierge
Yayoi Sakui

Certified dietitian, health exercise instructor, onsen usage advisor, medical herbal therapist, and pillow coordinator. A nutrition expert with approximately 10 years of experience in medical institutions, providing personalized wellness care.

  • Wellness Counseling Room

    Rusutsu Resort Hotel & Convention
    North Wing 4F “Wellness Center Zyu”

  • Operating Period

    Winter Season
    07/12/2024(Sat.) – 30/03/2025(Sun.)
    10:00 – 21:00

  • Remarks

    Advance reservations required.
    Operating days and staff availability may vary.

  • Extension Numbers

    7006 (From Rusutsu Resort Hotel & Convention)
    4-7006 (From The Westin Rusutsu Resort)

  • MAP